New Rezoning Program

The NSW Government has launched a new ‘Rezoning Pathways Program’ to unlock land in the state, particularly in Sydney’s West with the intention of increasing the much-needed housing supply. Under the new program, two pathways for planning proposals will be aided from state involvement, with the Department of Planning and Environment identifying sites for state-led rezoning while piloting a new process for industry to nominate rezoning proposals that could potentially be state-assessed. Developers can nominate rezoning proposals for a state-assessed approach for more than 1000 dwellings on sites in metropolitan NSW and at least 300 dwellings in regional NSW.
As part of the program, the government will assess state or regionally significant planning proposals, or lead rezoning work with all land to be rezoned by 2024. State-led rezonings are being initiated in seven key areas including:
- Broadmeadow, Newcastle
- Camellia-Rosehill
- Explorer Street, Eveleigh
- Macquarie Park Stage One
- Orchard Hills
- Parramatta North’s university and Northern Sites
- Riverstone East Stage Three
In addition, the NSW Government is also set to assume responsibility for planning proposals (States-assessed Rezoning) potentially unlocking new housing in
- Appin
- Gilead
- North Appin
All ten projects together are expected to generate 70,000 homes. Applications for the pilot process closed 22 January 2023 with outcomes of the selection process to be communicated in February this year.
Reactions to the program have been mixed with concerns raised towards the lack of involvement of local councils and community with Industry largely positive towards the new program. It is clear however, that this program soon will result in a significant increase of development ready land for new homes.
(Clarke street Riverstone)
(riverstone part of new stage 1 development)
(nearmap new development on Guntawong road)